Tips to stay healthy at the gym during cold and flu season.
Written by: RJ's Fitness Solutions, LLC
Cold and flu season is nothing to sneeze at. Getting sick can derail your fitness goals and disrupt your daily routine. Consult with your doctor about what kind of exercise and exercise setting is best for you. If you’re planning on going to the gym here are a few tips to stay healthy and maintain your fitness gains!
Ever heard of International Chest Day? (That’s usually Monday’s in the Gym World) How about Leg Day? (That’s the one that makes it hard to climb stairs the next day) Then there’s skip day. Well, technically there’s a rest day but not a skip day. But when you’re running a fever, having a severe cough, or other symptoms that make you miserable then the gym is probably not the place you need to be. Depending on the severity of your illness a little therapeutic exercise could help with blood flow. But sometimes rest and hydration can go a long way. Keep in mind your doctor's recommendations and your body, your speed before HIITing up the gym again.
Disinfecting your equipment, keeping your hands clean, and showering can go a long way to keep you healthy. Know where the disinfectant is located in your gym. Most gyms will have wipes, spray, or cleanser that you can wipe machines down with. In your gym bag it’s helpful if you pack a towel, shower shoes, soap, and hand sanitizer.
Having a workout partner or class is great to keep your workouts accountable. But not all people enjoy comradery in the gym. If possible give others some exercise room. Choose a treadmill with some space from the next runner (one empty in between), don’t hover right over someone when waiting for a machine, and refrain from breathing directly on the person spotting for you.
Gym mats come in various shapes, sizes, and material. Some are very hard to wipe down. Leaving disinfectant spray the best way to keep them clean. Because of this bringing your own mat from home might be the best way to stay sanitary. With affordable and portable exercise mats available it’s easy to add this to your gym bag essentials.
Don’t have time for a lot of disinfecting? Then try a giant set for your workout. A giant set is typically four to eight exercises that after completing all the exercises you repeat for three to six rounds. By doing this you can easily clean one or two pieces of equipment and use them in a small area for the entire workout. Checkout one of my videos for an example.
There is usually an even split on people who always carry a towel around at the gym and those who don’t (mainly because they can’t keep up with it). If you do use a towel, the important thing to remember is what side you wiped your face on. Think about wipe your sweat off a machine. Then a few minutes later you wipe your face. Did you use the same side? An easy way to remember is to always use the tag or inseam side. This will help you keep it consistent, especially after you’ve done 100 burpees ;)
Having gloves is not necessarily about avoiding touching surfaces. It’s more about helping to remind yourself not to touch your face. Another layer of precaution (no pun intended) is to wear medical gloves underneath. This means the medical gloves will cover your fingers whereas most exercise gloves do not.
Dehydration can inhibit the body’s ability to eliminate toxins from your body. That makes it vital to stay hydrated for a healthy immune system. Know where the water fountains are in your gym or bring your own. The important thing is to remember to drink!
If there were a Utopian Gym it would consist of equipment caddies that cleaned each and every machine before and after use. Unfortunately in the real world that’s not feasible. Instead you can do your part and be considerate to others by taking the time to clean and unrack the equipment you use.
It’s easy to remember these healthy habits when the news is dominated by illnesses. The hard part is making them a habit. This includes exercising and eating a balanced diet. All things that strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy.
Thanks for checking out my blog. For more fitness and my fitness (IGTV) channel checkout my Instagram page @soleshaping.
This blog is written by a nationally certified personal trainer, however, the topics and information given might not be specific for your health and wellness needs. The blog is intended for informational purposes only and not direct health advice. Consult with a doctor before beginning an exercise program or changing your nutritional diet. The blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but omissions, errors or mistakes may occur. By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively.
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